New Zealand House Honors Dame Iritana Te Rangi Tāwhiwhirangi

In a recent session of the New Zealand House of Representatives, members came together to express their deep sorrow and aroha (love, compassion) at the passing of Dame Iritana Te Rangi Tāwhiwhirangi. The motion was proposed by Green Party MP Benjamin Doyle and passed without debate or objection.

Proceedings Overview

During the session, a request for leave to move the motion without notice and without debate was made by Benjamin Doyle (Green). The Speaker confirmed there were no objections, leading to unanimous agreement on expressing sorrow at Dame Iritana's passing. This decision underscores the collective respect held by the House.

Context of the Motion

Dame Iritana Te Rangi Tāwhiwhirangi was a distinguished Māori leader known for her significant contributions to cultural preservation and advocacy for indigenous rights. The motion, which reflects a broad acknowledgment of her legacy, emphasizes the respect held by the House for her life's work.


The unanimous consent to pass the motion without debate highlights the shared respect across political lines for Dame Iritana Te Rangi Tāwhiwhirangi’s contributions to New Zealand society. Her impact on cultural understanding and equality continues to resonate, underscoring the significance of her legacy.