House Extends Sitting Into Wednesday Morning for Key Legislative Matters

In a pivotal parliamentary session, Hon Simeon Brown, Deputy Leader of the House, moved to extend today's sitting into the morning of Wednesday, 6 November. This decision was made to address several critical legislative matters, underscoring their urgency and importance.

Legislative Matters Under Discussion

Building Safety and Earthquake Preparedness

The Building (Earthquake-prone Building Deadlines and Other Matters) Amendment Bill is a focal point of today's extended session. This bill aims to update building standards in earthquake-prone areas, ensuring public safety through stricter compliance deadlines.

Climate Change and Agriculture

Another significant piece of legislation is the Climate Change Response (Emissions Trading Scheme Agricultural Obligations) Amendment Bill. The bill seeks to integrate agricultural emissions into the Emissions Trading Scheme, aligning with national climate targets and promoting sustainable farming practices.

Mineral Resource Management

The Crown Minerals Amendment Bill addresses the need for streamlined processes in mineral extraction, aiming to boost economic growth while balancing resource development with environmental protection.

Insurance Contract Reforms

Further consideration is being given to the Contracts of Insurance Bill, focusing on improving transparency and fairness within insurance contracts, protecting consumers from unfair terms and practices.

Fisheries Management

The session also includes debates on the Fisheries (International Fishing and Other Matters) Amendment Bill, which aims to ensure sustainable fishing practices and compliance with international agreements to protect marine resources.

Voting Outcome

A party vote was called regarding the motion to extend the sitting. The results were as follows:

  • Ayes (68): New Zealand National (49); ACT New Zealand (11); New Zealand First (8).
  • Noes (55): New Zealand Labour (34); Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand (15); Te Pāti Māori (6).

The motion was agreed to, reflecting the parliamentary priorities and setting the stage for continued discussions on these critical legislative issues.